Fragility Fracture Network Asia-Pacific 1st Virtual Pocket meeting for 2021; "Secondary Fracture Prevention in the Elderly: Providing better care for patients with fragility fractures"
21st APOA Biennial Congress
Global Spine Congress 2020 20-23 May 2020 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
International Congress of Korean Society of Spine Surgery 29-30 May 2020 Seoul, Korea
Asia Pacific Spine Society Annual Meeting 2020 5-7 June 2020 Shanghai, China
World Spine 9 Incheon, Korea 3-5 September 2020
North American Spine Society Annual Meeting 2020 7-10 October 2020 San Diego, California, USA
Eurospine 2020 7-9 October 2020 Vienna, Austria
Fragility Fracture Network Asia-Pacific 1st Virtual Pocket meeting for 2021; "Secondary Fracture Prevention in the Elderly: Providing better care for patients with fragility fractures"
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Past activities:
Reports of Spine Chapter Traveling Scholarship by:
Dr. Martin Wong
Dr. Kenny Kwan
Dr. TK Suen
Dr. Andrew Yip
Dr. Philip Cheung
Site TitleSite Slogan
Forms & Documents:
New Membership Application Form
Traveling scholarship (Spine Chapter):
Two selection rounds per year (mid-April and mid-October)